Dress Code
Namaste Elementary Charter School Uniform Policy SY24-25
ANYTHING purchased from the uniform vendor.
ANYTHING* given out by the school for any reason and any* item with the Namaste logo (except hoodies). / CUALQUIER COSA* entregada por la escuela por cualquier motivo y cualquier* artículo con el logo de Namaste (excepto sudaderas con capucha).
*Hoodies of any sort are not permitted, even those with a Namaste logo.*

Students are expected to dress in accordance with the NCS dress code at all times. Dress code clothing can be purchased online through our school vendor or at the store of your choice. Please label clothing brought to school with your child’s name in the event any items get misplaced.
Unaltered (e.g. cut into a tank, written on etc.) Namaste polo shirt purchased through our uniform vendor.
- Unaltered (e.g. cut into a tank, written on, etc.) plain, solid gray or solid white polo shirt. These may not have any graphics, words, logos, stripes, sparkles, etc.
Any special shirts printed by Namaste with the Namaste logo on them will also be permitted (i.e. honor roll, eighth-grade class shirts, etc.)
All students in grades K-8 are permitted to wear a college/university shirt or sweatshirt on College Wednesdays only.
Undershirts must be either gray, white, or a Namaste shirt
Acceptable bottoms: non-distressed jeans free of holes, Namaste Issued athletic pants, Khaki Pants or shorts that fit to sit on the waistline
- Shorts or skorts that are no more than 1 inch above the knee
- NO JEANS of any kind allowed.
- Gym shoes ONLY that strap or tie securely to the foot
Students must wear socks on a daily basis
Students must remain in uniform at all times during the school day. All layers that students will wear during the day must follow the NCS dress code. For example, if a student wears a sweatshirt over their Namaste shirt, that sweatshirt must be a Namaste uniform sweatshirt with no hood.
Students are permitted to wear outerwear while at recess or on walks. Outerwear is not permitted to be worn inside the building. The following is also not acceptable:
Students are permitted to wear outerwear while at recess or on walks. Outerwear is not permitted to be worn inside the building. The following is also not acceptable:
Unacceptable Tops:
- Visible bra straps, spaghetti straps, or crop tops
- Hoodies
Any garment that could reasonably be considered outdoor clothing (coats, jackets, etc)
Unacceptable Bottoms:
Tight fitting pants that are not appropriate for exercise or physical activity
See through bottoms or tight-fitting clothing that reveal inappropriate garments or body parts
Distressed jeans or jeans with rips/holes
Pajama bottoms, unless as part of a planned classroom celebrations
Additionally, the following items are not permitted to be worn inside the school building:
- Hats, baseball caps, bandanas, sweatbands, non-religious head coverings, etc.
- Jewelry is not allowed during Nutrition, Health, & Wellness due to safety. It is the responsibility of the student to remove and hold onto any jewelry they may bring to school. Namaste is not responsible for any jewelry that is lost or stolen.
Any garment that could reasonably be considered outdoor clothing (coats, jackets, etc)
- Non-prescription eyewear
- Skin markings made with marker, pen, or any other writing utensil
When a student is not in dress code, they will be sent to the office to contact their parent(s) and request appropriate clothing. If a student is in repeated violation of the dress code, additional consequences will be administered according to the CPS Student Code of Conduct.