Application Process & Forms
Available NOW! Applications for Kindergarten-8th Grade, School Year 2025-2026.
The deadline to be entered in the lottery is Friday, March 14, 2025.
All applications received after Friday, March 7, 2025, will be placed on a waiting list in the order the application is received.
Application Process
- Accepting Applications for K-8
- Kindergarten Applicants must be 5 years old by September 2, 2025.
- Completed applications must be received by Friday, March 7th, 2025 to be entered into the lottery.
- All applications received in person, online, or via fax after 4 pm or post-dated after March 7, 2025, will be withheld from the lottery and considered only after all applications received on or before March 7, 2025 have been processed.
- Per Illinois Charter School Law, preference for admission will be given to those who have siblings already enrolled at Namaste Charter
- Families that have students that will be 5 years old between September 2nd and December 31st of 2025 will be able to apply to the early entrance program (EEP) for NCS. The student will need to have an assessment to determine their eligibility for EEP. There will be a $50.00 testing fee (students who qualify for Free Lunch waivers are exempt from the testing fee)
Early Entrance to Kindergarten is the admission of a student to kindergarten who will reach the age of five years old between the dates of September 2 and December 31 of the year in which they wish to enroll. For this year, that means your child must have been born between September 2, 2020, and December 31, 2020. In order to apply for Early Entrance to Kindergarten, the student must have attended at least one year of preschool and must pass an academic and cognitive evaluation.
The Lottery will be held on Friday, March 14, 2025 at 9:00 am at Namaste Charter School: 3737 S. Paulina St. Chicago, IL 60609
Lottery results will be available immediately after the lottery takes place.
- Confirmation Forms will be mailed and emailed and will be available on-site.
- Confirmation Forms will be mailed to applicants selected via the lottery, but not present. Please expect to receive these within 1 week from the lottery dates.
- Confirmation Forms are due Monday, March 31st, 2025:
- Parents will have from March 10th until April 14th to submit their birth certificate or passport, two proofs of current address within the city of Chicago, and the $110 student fee for the 2025-2026 school year must be paid in order to secure your student’s spot at Namaste. NSC will not contact those who submit incomplete forms. If a student’s confirmation form is not received by April 14, 2025 the student will lose his/her spot to the next student on the waiting list.
Paper Applications
Namaste Charter School
3737 S. Paulina St.
Chicago, IL 60609
2025-2026 Lottery Policy
New & Prospective Families
Plan your visit
We have 4 open houses scheduled in the upcoming month(s). Each open house will be about an hour long. Please plan to arrive at the scheduled start time.
April 12
May 17
June 14
Available Now!
Apply Online - EnglishSolicitar en línea en Español
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Print & Complete an Application/Imprima y Complete Una Applicación
In accordance with federal laws, no student will be denied admission to NAMASTE CHARTER SCHOOL based on race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, disability, aptitude, or athletic ability. The school shall be open to any child who is eligible under the laws of Illinois for admission to a public school. New students will be admitted each year without regard to prior measures of achievement or aptitude, athletic ability, disability, handicapped condition, ethnicity, race, creed, gender, national origin, religion, or ancestry. All students who live in Chicago, Illinois are eligible to apply and enroll in NAMASTE CHARTER SCHOOL.
Parent/Guardian must complete one application per child/student interested in applying to Namaste Charter School for grades K-8. Parent/Guardian must provide basic student and parent information, applying grade, sibling information (if applicable). New student application can be completed online at, paper application can be mailed to the Namaste Charter School; 3737 S. Paulina St. Chicago, IL 60609 or faxed at 773-376-6495 by 4pm on the deadline date indicated on the application.
NAMASTE CHARTER SCHOOL holds an open application period beginning in October through the first Friday of March for its incoming class of kindergarteners and any open positions in the other grades to enroll for the following fall term. To be permissible for consideration to apply to the school, the application must be completed and signed by the student’s parent or legal guardian and it must be submitted to the school electronically or in person, or postmarked, within the open application period, which ends on March 7, 2024 at 4pm.
If, after the application period has ended and the number of applications received exceed the number of open student positions, the school will hold an open, public lottery to select students for admission. Names will be drawn after all available spaces have been filled in order to form a priority-ranked, enrollment waiting list. This waiting list will be the only official, legal document identifying the names of eligible students with applications to NAMASTE CHARTER SCHOOL pending acceptance for the subsequent school year, or when vacancies arise, based upon the order of random selection from the lottery following a recruitment period. If applications are received after March 7, 2024 at 4pm, they will be placed on a late application waiting list in the order they are received. This waiting list will become active after all students placed in the lottery have been admitted into Namaste.
Preference will be given to siblings of students already enrolled in NAMASTE CHARTER SCHOOL. For definition purposes, “siblings” the term sibling applies only to natural siblings, step siblings, foster siblings and adopted siblings.
Lottery: Results and Registration
Namaste Charter School conducts a computerized lottery developed by PowerSchool, an independent programmers which uses a mathematical algorithm to randomly and blindly assign students to grade levels or on the waitlist. Namaste records and broadcasts the lottery in real time. The name of each student who is a resident of Chicago and has submitted an application with a parent/guardian signature shall be part of the lottery. If a child’s name is drawn who has older siblings in the lottery, the names of the older sibling shall be given priority on the enrollment list for that grade level and shall be accepted provided there is space available in the appropriate grade level. This process is open for all applicants and community members to witness. This process will also be time stamped, recorded, and submitted to CPS upon completion within ten days of the open lottery. This process shall be used each year for all grades. If a child in a younger grade is selected for admission, and a sibling of that child remains on the waiting list for his/her grade level, that sibling will be placed at the top of the waiting list for admission in accordance with the sibling preference statute in the law.
Formal notices will be mailed to the parent(s)/guardian of the student notifying them of the lottery results. Families will also receive electronic notifications in addition to mailed notification of the lottery results. For students whose names are drawn the formal notice will also include a letter of intent to enroll or decline that must be signed and returned to NAMASTE CHARTER SCHOOL within two weeks of notification to hold the student’s admission position. The school will make one phone call to each family that has not returned the letter of intent to enroll in the timeframe required. If no commitment can be secured from the family in a reasonable timeframe, the school has the right to remove the student from the admit list and pursue other students in order from the established waitlist.
If there are more applicants than seats available in any given grade, all students not accepted in the lottery will be placed on the waiting list as assigned by the lottery program. Applications received after 4pm by the deadline date will also be added to the waitlist in the order that it is received. Families may contact the Namaste Charter School a week after the lottery to inquire about the waitlist number. Families will be given a range of the waitlist and may continue to follow through on their child(ren)’s status throughout the enrollment period. The Namaste Charter School waiting list does not carry over from year to year. If the student is not selected, the parent will need to apply for the next school year. New student applications are available every year in October.
Upon enrollment or withdrawal, the student’s parent/guardian must complete all paperwork required by the Chicago Public Schools to enable all records to be properly transferred and to provide the school with necessary information, such as address and immunization records. It shall then be the duty of Namaste charter school to immediately contact the school last attended by the child to obtain relevant academic and other records.
Since all promotion decisions have not been made, a few students will be admitted in each grade level, and, at any time that a space becomes available in a given grade level, Namaste will utilize its waiting list to select the next student to attend.